Chipotle Near Me

Chipotle Near Me.

Find the nearest Chipotle locations by search or use the Chipotle Location Map.

See Chipotle opening hours and customer phone numbers here.

We have also added a list of Chipotle’s social media contact pages.

Use the Map – Find the Chipotle Location closest to you.

Chipotle Store Locator.

You can search for Chipotle locations in your state or city by using the search bar at the top of their website.

Chipotle has also recently introduced a worldwide restaurant locator page, which is located at:

The store locator is fast and easy to use, and you can search for city, post code or state. It also works for international locations, like London and Paris. The results include opening hours, a local restaurant telephone number and the restaurant location on a map.

Search for Chipotle Locations on Google Maps.

You can also use Google Maps to search for Chipotle restaurants near you at

The advantage of Google Maps is that the service will detect auomatically your location with the help of GPS or IP address. The results also include the Chipotle hours, local telephone numbers and reviews from customers.

Best Restaurant Finder Apps.

The Top 5 Restaurant Finder Apps.

OpenTable App (iOS/Android/BlackBerry/WP7/WebOS)
Foodspotting App (iOS/Android/BlackBerry/WP7)
Yelp Restaurant App (iOS/Android/BlackBerry/WP7/WebOS)
Google Places Restaurant App (iOS/Android)
Urbanspoon App (iOS/Android/BlackBerry)


Chipotle Phone Numbers (US).

If you need to call Chipotle customer service then the number below is the number with the easiest access.

Phone Numbers:

Customer Service (US): 1-303-595-4000
Just stay on the line until you get through to a human.
Call Time Average Wait: 11 mins — 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Chipotle Catering: 1-800-CHIPOTLE

If you are contacting your local restaurant, you will need to call during local business hours.


Customers can send a mail to this address:

US: Chipotle Corporate Headquarters, 1401 Wynkoop St. Ste. 500 Denver, CO 80202.

UK: Chipotle Corporate Headquarters, Elizabeth House, 13- 19 Queen Street, Leeds, LS1 2TW, United Kingdom.

UK Baker Street Store: 101-103 Baker Street, London, UK W1U 6HQ, Tel: +44 20 7935 9881.

Chipotle Hours.

You can see more on the Chipotle opening hours and holiday hours on our page: Chipotle Hours.

In general, Chipotle restaurants are open from 11 am to 10 pm every day of the week (including Saturdays and Sundays).

FAQ Quick List:

List of the most commonly asked questions:

What is the closest Chipotle to my location?
– Use the map above to find the nearest Chipotle restaurant.

Is there a Chipotle near me, that is open now?
– Click on the map to reveal opening times.

What are the typical Chipotle opening hours?
– Chipotle restaurants are generally open from around 11 am to 10 pm.

What is the Chipotle Customer Service phone number?
– Number: 1-303-595-4000

More Chipotle Resources:

Chipotle Contact Email Form: Chipotle Email.

Chipotle on Twitter: Twitter.

Chipotle on Facebook: Facebook.

Chipotle on Google Maps: Google Maps.

Chipotle Store Locator: Store locator.

-Chipotle near me – Find Chipotle locations near me-

Remember, please avoid using proxys in order for the map function to work probably. If you cannot find the business or restaurant brand that you are looking for, then use the search function.
Use the Star Ratings system to rate brands/restaurants from 1 to 5 stars. The rating is an overall customer rating. Use the comment section to further detail your experiences.

2 Responses

  1. Elaine Moss says:

    Did you get my response about your restaurant.

  2. Elaine Moss says:

    I went to your restaurant in the Northend where Sears use to be. I drove up to window to order the woman said I had to use my cell phone to order. I’m 71 and don’t do computers very well. So she said I have to comein store. I said I’m disabled and have a hard time walking. She said well sorry but you have to walk in. Well I did but it hurt me bad and she didn’t even help me out of your restaurant by opening door. They were not busy. I have never felt so dump on for being disabled! I not going back and will mention it to alot of my friends. You really should advise someone the lack of concerned for disabled people.

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