Dollar General Near Me.
We have created this page to help you find all important and useful information about the discount retailer Dollar General. Use the map to easily locate the nearest Dollar General store.
We have also included all Dollar General customer service phone numbers, contacts, social media pages, as well as opening hours and app details.
Number of Dollar General Locations.
Dollar General operates in the United States, where it has approximately 13,000 stores across 43 states with the exception of Hawaii, North Dakota and the Northwest.
Find a Dollar General Near Me – Use The Map.
Below is an interactive map that you can use to locate your nearest Dollar General store. The map will locate your position and reveal all Dollar General stores in your city.
The Dollar General Store Locator.
Dollar General has a browser-based store locator that allows you to find stores within a 10 to 30-mile radius of your location. To use the store locator, simply enter an address, ZIP code, city, or state name. You can also search by store type and amenities offered, including RedBox movie rental, Rug Doctor carpet cleaning, and AmeriGas services.
Dollar General App.
With the Dollar General app, you can shop online, get digital coupons, find your nearest store, sing up for notifications to be the first to know about special offers, browse through recipes, and benefit from easy access to weekly promotions. To download the Android app, visit Google Play. iPhone or iPad users can download the app here.
About Dollar General.
Dollar General was founded in 1939 by members of the Turner family, who had been involved in small-scale retail operations since the early 20th century. Originally, the company was called J.L. Turner and Son Wholesale, but was renamed Dollar General in 1955, when the Turners decided to move from wholesale to retail. Annual sales quickly reached the multi-million dollar mark, mainly due to the company’s focus on offering quality products from trusted brands at low prices. To this date, approximately 25 per cent of all items sold by Dollar General are priced at $1 or less.
Nowadays, Dollar General stores carry a wide range of daily essentials, including but not limited to cleaning supplies, skincare products, cosmetics, household appliances, shoes, clothing, toys, party supplies, and stationery. In addition, shoppers can access the Dollar General product offer at the hypermarkets known as Dollar General Market stores, which carry an extensive selection of low-price items as well as groceries and fresh fruit and vegetables. Dollar General owns 14 distribution centers across the nation and provides employment to more than 119,000 people. In 2016, the company was ranked among the top 150 Fortune 500 companies.
Todd Vasos (who has been with the company since 2008) is the firm’s CEO and Chairman.
Dollar General Hours.
Dollar General stores are usually open from Monday through Sunday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., although in some locations they may stay open until 10 p.m. You can find out about the opening hours of a specific store using Dollar General’s store locator tool. The opening hours for Dollar General stores located in malls depend on the opening hours of the specific shopping center.
How to Contact Dollar General.
- Customer Service Enquiries: 1-800-678-9258 or email [email protected]
- Customer Care Center: use this form
- Online Shopping Customer Support: use this form
- Headquarters address: 100 Mission Ridge, Goodlettsville, TN 37072, United States
- Headquarters phone number: 615-855-4000 (lines are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
- Headquarters fax number: 615-855-5899
- Enquiries about returned checks: 1-866-407-6946
- Advertising Program: visit this page or call 615-855-5775
- Media Relations: [email protected] or call 877-944-3477
Dollar General on Social Media.
To get in touch with Dollar Tree using social media, please visit:
- Dollar General – Official Facebook Page
- Dollar General on Twitter
- Dollar General’s Youtube Channel
- Pinterest board

Dollar General is not strictly a dollar store, as most products cost more than $1.00.
Some Dollar General carry a greater selection of grocery items. These stores operate under the name “Dollar General Market”.
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Advise on how to login for dollar gernal application for employment. Thank you.
I need the phone number for the dollar general on the Grafton road
The Dollar General in Akron Pennsylvania is always in constant chaos. I know there’s not enough help, I know deliveries are not always on time. Not employees fault. Carts and merchandise are always in the aisle.
Other DGs in the county are not as bad.
I feel sorry for the people who work there they are nice but just don’t have the abilities to get the job done. Can someone from upper management step in and see if changes can be made?
I went to your store today wanted to buy beer I’m 60 years old had my government issued card and was refused service I will never shop at any of your stores again
Are you open any time at the store in Strasburg specifically for senior citizens? If so, when?
I brought all my manufacture coupons to the counter and the cashier said “my manager said we don’t take coupons”. But Dollar General Policy says that they do accept printed coupons, so what gives? I only had this problem in one Dollar General store.